Human extinction Part 1

Human extinction is not something we would consider, however what if we were facing it and it was all tied to the earth not being able to support us anymore. Once the oil supplies are depleted and there is no oil no matter where you look, what would happen is far less than pleasant.

There s no need to touch on a topic we all know will happen sooner or later and that is running out of oil. Perhaps some of you may have become familiar with a chart that was produced over a decade ago showing the predicted oil production over the next century or so. So assuming that chart is accurate this is the likely scenario.

2010: It is common knowledge that peek oil production of 93 million barrels per day has been reached and that decline is unavoidable. The first thing that would happen is naturally the price of oil would skyrocket to at least $300.00 per barrel. That would put gas at about $10.00 per gallon in the USA, and the vast majority of the population could not afford it. This would slow the usage and preserve what was left. The people who do not want to accept that change is inevitable would push for oil exploration in environmentally sensitive areas. The people who accept change will have already started to make the changes to other sources of energy.

2015: Oil production has dropped to 86 million barrels and oil is now at $500.00 per barrel. The cost of everything is effected as so many products are petroleum based. Plastic products are becoming more expensive and in short supply. Gas rationing is now in place and fuel thefts are now the most common form of crime. The military is now exploring alternate fuel sources including nuclear powered tanks. Alternate energy companies are booming and are one of a few bright spots in a persistent bleak world economy. The effects of global warming are regular occurrences with increasing difficulties in getting crops to harvest.

2020: Oil production has leveled off at 73 million barrels and is going for $1000.00 per barrel. Production of cars that run on gas has come to an end worldwide, and only the car companies that were able to retool quickly for alternate energy cars survived. Hunger and famine are becoming more common and populations in the most effected countries is now declining. Governments can no longer keep up with natures onslaught as infrastructure starts to fall into decay and decline. The harmful emissions into the atmosphere have peeked as the lack of oil continues to be felt.

2030: Oil production has fallen to 40 million barrels only producing 50% of what is needed. Governments have collapsed and food production is far less than what is needed. Global population is in clear decline. Sea levels have risen putting even more strain on countries as major population centers are effected. Public transportation infrastructure is near complete but very much over cost as a direct result of the price of oil. Plastic has been replaced with paper however this also puts a strain on the globe.

Next part two.

One Response to Human extinction Part 1

  1. Hmm, pretty depressing. How about renewables, conservation, etc to take up the slack with falling production?
